My name is Mario Sanasi and I previously published an essay entitled 'The Seeing is Here & Now' that was up on the internet for many years on The essay was also translated into Spanish and was called 'El Ver Es Acqui y Ahora'. It appeared on various websites on the internet.
The ideology that my essay was based on was from a school of Hinduism known as 'Advaita Vedanta'. It is also sometimes known as 'Nonduality'. It is, at its core, an atheistic cult and I was caught up in it for about 20 years. It's premise was based on the belief that we are the one universal awareness that is seeing our thoughts in our mind, and the conclusion of the essay was that 'enlightenment' happens when you realise that you are not a separate being but part of the one undivided creation. It's concept of 'god' is that it is an impersonal intelligence that just flows through creation, but has no personal form.
I now realise that ideology is TOTALLY INCORRECT and I deeply regret for having misled anyone.
There are many so called 'teachers' convinced that they are all knowing gurus who are pushing this deluded ideology. There is a thing called the 'Satsang' movement where people even often pay money to sit in front of these so called 'enlightened gurus' and try to become 'enlightened' and one with the universe. They base their whole belief system on the fact that there is nothing beyond what you can see, hear, and perceive in the moment through your limited human senses. I now realise that this ideology is TOTALLY INCORRECT and deluded and will result in anyone who follows this ideology going to Hell for eternity.
I returned to Christianity in 2010. I believe YAHWEH is the only God that exists, and that he took human form on this earth as Jesus. (Yahweh and Jesus are ONE, yet separate). We are individual separate souls made by Yahweh, and after our life ends we either go to eternal rest with Yahweh in Heaven, or eternal torture in Hell... with Satan. The realm of heaven is pure beyond human conception, no sin whatsoever can enter Heaven. And because it is pure beyond human conception there is no amount of 'good things' a human can do to enter Heaven. The ONLY thing that can wash away our sins entirely and endow us with the immaculate purity required to enter this sinless realm is the supernatural gift that Jesus offered us by dying on the cross. Of course we need to follow what it says in the bible and not sin, otherwise it would be an abuse of what Jesus is offering us, but not sinning alone will not get us there because our nature is sinful and we can never be pure enough by our own doing. We can't purify ourselves to the degree we need to enter heaven on our own effort. 'Good people' DO NOT go to heaven. They don't go to heaven, firstly, because your idea of 'good' might be very different from what it says to do in the bible, and secondly, you need MUCH MORE than just not sinning to enter Heaven. We need to believe in Jesus and accept his SUPERNATURAL CLEANSING offer that he has given us through the blood that he shed on the cross, and understand that Yahweh is the one and ONLY true ETERNAL GOD who created everything. The blood of Jesus is the ONLY thing that will make us acceptable to YAHWEH.
We are now entering the 'Endtimes' as it's known in the bible. It will be a time like no other in human history. We are now fast approaching the wrapping up of all of human history to this point, and the beginning of a new era in the history of humanity. This will be happening in these immediate next years. In this time we will see the rise of the AntiChrist (Barack Hussein Obama) and the Beast System (also known as the One World Government). During the 3.5 year period of the Beast System there will be what in the bible is called 'The Mark of the Beast'. If you don't have this 'mark' on your right hand, or your forehead, you won't be able to buy or sell anything. HOWEVER, the bible tells us that if you take this mark (which CAN NOT be undone if you take it) you will be UNRECOGNISABLE to Yahweh as His creation and therefore damned to spend eternity in The Lake of Fire with Satan. Even though this coming Beast System will be very powerful and no person will be able to defeat it, it WILL come to an end after 1290 days (3.5 years) by devastating planetary shakings. So, ....if.... you accept the Mark of the Beast you will be able to buy and sell for that 3 and a half year period ... BUT ... after that you, will FRY in Hell for ETERNITY.
Before this 'Beast System' there will be quite a few other significant things that happen. Kamala Harris will become the president of The United States. She will be the LAST PRESIDENT of that country. She will be a globalist president and she will tear the constitution of that country to shreds during her presidency. Pulling the strings of that woman will be the AntiChrist, Barack Hussein Obama. You can forget about Donald Trump, they will be successful in assassinating him. Kamala Harris will not have a full term. Before the end of her presidency the United States will go into a DEVASTATING CIVIL WAR of at least 3 and a half years. During that period America will not have a president but be governed by the governors of the states. And then, towards the end of that civil war, America will be utterly destroyed by Russia (... and China, and a group of other countries) in ONE LITERAL DAY in an unexpected surprise attack. Not even one of America's missiles, nukes, or anything, will even make it out of it's silos. America is 'Mystery Babylon The Great' as described in the bible, and it will be destroyed in ONE day as described in the bible. NOTHING can stop this, it is BIBLE PROPHECY.
There are many many ..... MANY... other things I could tell you ( ... like more devasting pandemics on the way that will make Covid look like a sunday picnic.... an incredibly virulent and deadly (lab made) hemorrhagic fever called 'Marburg' that will burn through humanity like a raging forest fire.... Or.... the end of the '1948 Project'... otherwise known as 'Israel' ... and the expulsion of the false #J*e*w*s# from that land ... to ultimately make way for True Israel at a later date.) There are WAY too many things coming in these next 12 or so years for me to list them all here. I am NOT a prophet because I have NOT had visions or dreams about these things, I am merely a lowly servant of the one TRUE GOD Jesus/Yahweh... but because of this He has had mercy on me and led me to the knowledge of true prophets who are here on the earth RIGHT NOW. I am just an endtime 'watcher', which is something that you can become too.
So, if you have got this far, you can maybe begin to see the incredible difference between following some deluded ignorant nonsense like the ideology that I was describing at the beginning of this page and the concrete information which you will be able to see unfold in front of your very eyes in these immediate coming years. Thank you for reading this far, and remember... one of the reasons for prophecy is for God to let His children know what is coming, ... but ... another reason for prophecy is that it serves as a PROOF that the one and ONLY true God YAHWEH TRULY EXISTS. You will have to face him when you leave this life... and then you will either go to live in his Heavenly realm that is BEYOND human conception ... or ... be damned for an eternity of torture ... that also is BEYOND human conception. The probability that you are headed for Hell is MUCH GREATER than the probability you are going to Heaven... the road to Heaven is very narrow, and most of humanity is on a freeway to Hell. The only reason you probably think you'll be ok is either because you are a nonbeliever and you foolishly think you won't be effected, or you are a believer but are doing things that are abusing His mercy and are ignorant of the ramifications of that. If you are a nonbeliever... just because you don't believe doesn't mean it isn't so. You can believe a tiger is harmless but if it catches you and kills you it's irrelevant what you believed about it. Also, nonbelievers make up their own morality about what is good and evil... and it hardly EVER lines up with what God says is acceptable or not. And if you are a believer, it's very important that you are actually living within His law otherwise you are actually serving 'another jesus'... one of your own making, with rules that suit you. God is long suffering, and there is mercy... BUT ... if you keep abusing His grace you will basically just go into the reprobate category and go to Hell with the rest of them. The choice is yours, please choose wisely and change what you need to change in your life NOW before it's too late.